Web Science Group

The Web Science Lab (WSL) focuses on the analytical power of researchers from disciplines as diverse as mathematics, sociology, economics, psychology, law and computer science in order to understand and explain the Web. It is necessarily interdisciplinary; it is as much about social and organizational behavior as it is about the underpinning technology. Current research topics include usability and user experience, semantic web, geospatial technologies, linked data, big data and open data, as applied in education, healthcare, and urban environments, on all platforms, including, but not limited to, mobile and Internet of Things (IoT).
Recent Publications and Presentations
Figueroa, L., Lim, S., & Lee, J. (2018). Modelling the effect of deprived physical urban environments on academic performance in the Philippines. GeoJournal, 83(1), 13-30, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10708-016-9751-x
N.P. Brillantes, H. Kim, R. Feria, M.R. Solamo, L.L. Lara-Figueroa (2017) Evaluation of a 3D physics classroom with Myo gesture control armband and Unity, ICERI2017 Proceedings, pp. 3221-3230.
De Leon, R. P., Nazario, M., Solamo, M. R. & Feria, R. (2017). A User Acceptance Test on ConnectUP: An Academic Social Networking Application Developed Using University Ontology. Sixth Workshop on Computing: Theory and Practice, WCTP 2016. Proceedings. Sept. 21-22, 2016 (pp.132-159). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1142/9789813234079_0011
Figueroa, L.L. (2017). Facility Location Models and School Mapping: A Proposal for the Philippines. Paper presented at the Department of Computer Science Professorial Chair Lecture Series 2017 at UP Diliman, Quezon City, 27 November.
Feria, R. P. (2017). Proposed Interconnection Solution for Unifying Different University Information Systems. Paper presented at the Department of Computer Science Professorial Chair Lecture Series 2017 at UP Diliman, Quezon City, 27 November.
Solamo, R. C. (2017). Exploring User Resistance in the Implementation of Information Systems. Paper presented at the Department of Computer Science Professorial Chair Lecture Series 2017 at UP Diliman, Quezon City, 27 November.
Ejercito, P.M., Nebrija, K.E., Figueroa, L.L. & Feria, R.P. (2017). Traffic simulation software review. Paper presented at the 8th IEEE International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications at Larnaca, Cyprus, 30th August.
Ejercito, P.M., Nebrija, K.E., Figueroa, L.L. & Feria, R.P. (2017). An analysis of EDSA traffic using advanced tools and techniques. Paper presented at the 8th IEEE International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications at Larnaca, Cyprus, 30th August.
Figueroa, L., Lim, S., & Lee, J. (2016). School facilities and academic achievement: investigating the relationship through geographically weighted regression. Annals of GIS, 22(4), 273-285.
Figueroa, L., Lim, S., & Lee, J. (2016). Spatial analysis to identify disparities in Philippine public school facilities. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 3(1), 1-27, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/21681376.2015.1099465.
De Leon, R. P., Nazario, M., Solamo, M. R. & Feria, R. (2016). ConnectUP: An Academic Social Networking Application Developed Using University Ontology. SIGITE 2016. Proceedings. Sept. 28 - Oct. 10, 2016 (pp 167). Boston, MA, USA. ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-4452-4/16/09. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2978192.2978246
K. Pajarito, R. Feria (2016) Design and development of micro-courses for mobile devices, EDULEARN16 Proceedings, pp. 3633-3642.
K. Pajarito, R. Feria (2016) MICROCAS: Creating micro-learning courses for mobile devices using a web-based authoring tool, ICERI2016 Proceedings, pp. 3009-3018.
Cariaga, A.A., Feria, R (2016) Integrating Learning Analytics in a Digital Game-based Learning Environment. 8th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. EDULEARN 2016 Proceedings. July 4-6, 2016 (pp 5469-5477). Barcelona, Spain. IATED.
Feria, R. P. (2016). UP System Information Systems User Account Lifecycle. Paper presented at the Department of Computer Science Professorial Chair Lecture Series 2017 at UP Diliman, Quezon City, 21 November.
Solamo, R. C. (2016). Testing Strategy of eUP’s Executive Information Systems (EIS). Paper presented at the Department of Computer Science Professorial Chair Lecture Series 2017 at UP Diliman, Quezon City, 21 November.
K. Pajarito and R. Feria, "MicroCAS: Design and implementation of proposed standards in micro-learning on mobile devices," 2015 6th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA), Corfu, 2015, pp. 1-5.
Caro, J. DL., Feria, R. P., Betan, A. S., Lagman, A. G., Solamo, R. C. & Paje, P.N. G. (2015). Multi-campus Implementation of University Information Systems. Philippines Computing Journal, 10(2), 33-39.
Cariaga, A., Feria, R. (2015). Learning Analytics Through a Game-based Learning Environment. Proceedings of 6th IEEE Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications. July 6-8, 2015. Corfu, Greece.
Feria, R. P. (2015). Managing User Identities Across Disparate eUP Project Information Systems. Paper presented at the Department of Computer Science Professorial Chair Lecture Series 2017 at UP Diliman, Quezon City, 27 November.
Solamo, R. C. (2015). Testing Strategy for eUP Single-sign On (SS0). Paper presented at the Department of Computer Science Professorial Chair Lecture Series 2017 at UP Diliman, Quezon City, 27 November.
Pascua, S., Caro, J. D.L., Santos, R. & Solamo, R.(2015). Defining a Web Ontology for the Music Scores of Jose Maceda Composition Using Arc2 Framework Paper presented at the Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice at Cebu City, Philippines, 23rd September.