Prospero Naval
Computer Vision and Machine Intelligence Group
B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, University of the Philippines Diliman
M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, University of the Philippines Diliman
M.Eng. in Information Science, Kyoto University
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, University of the Philippines Diliman
Office: AECH 307
Research Interests
- Underwater Computer Vision and Robotics
- Deep Learning Applications
- Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Data Analytics for Healthcare, Environment and Education
- Probabilistic Machine Learning and Decision Making
- Swarm Robotics and Computation
- https://sites.google.com/site/prosnaval/home
- List of Publications: https://sites.google.com/site/prosnaval/publications
- Lab FaceBook Page: https://www.facebook.com/upcvmig