NCTS and DCS cohost the webinar "Data-Oriented Transportation Planning for Local Government Units (LGUs)"

The U.P. National Center for Transportation Studies (UP NCTS) will be conducting its 3rd webinar in cooperation with the Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory (ITS Lab) and the DCS. The objectives of this webinar are: (1) to present locally developed software systems on transport planning and traffic management; and (2) to demonstrate evidence-based decision making through traffic simulation technology (LocalSim and T4Cast). Assoc. Prof. Valdez and Asst. Prof. Villar will be delivering talks in this webinar.
In line with this, we would like to invite everyone to this webinar entitled “Data-Oriented Transportation Planning for Local Government Units (LGUs)”, to be conducted on March 26, 2021 (Friday) from 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM (PH time).
This webinar is free and open to the public, but online registration is required. The number of slots is limited to five hundred (500) and as such, early registration is suggested.
To those interested, you can register thru this link.