DCS projects to be presented at DOST PCIEERD SIBOL

Science and Innovation Budding Opportunities for Leverage (SIBOL) is the webinar series of the Department of Science and Technology's (DOST) Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD) which presents the Council’s newly supported projects according to different application sectors. The webinar's 7th leg will be held on 19 October 2021, 9:00-12:00 nn via Zoom and Facebook Live, and will feature new projects for the transportation industry. The webinar will feature two talks from the DCS - Assoc. Prof. Tan will present "Progressive Advancement of Transportation networks through the Integration of vehicular Onboard Technologies with online platforms (ArangKaDATA)" during the first half of the session (land transportation), while Asst. Prof. Villar will present "Maritime Energy Demand Information and Analysis Software (MEDIAnS)" during the second half (marine transportation).
Attendees may register through - https://bit.ly/SIBOL2021Transport, and the activity/event poster can be found in https://fb.me/e/1ouKPB83e .