DCS partners with PSITE and TechFactors for a webinar on teaching a college General Education (GE) course on Information Technology (IT)

The Philippine Society of Information Technology Educators (PSITE) NCR Chapter, in cooperation with the UP Diliman Department of Computer Science (DCS), and Techfactors, Inc., will be holding a webinar titled "Living in the IT Era (LITE): Teaching a College General Education Course on Information Technology". The webinar will be held on Feb 6, 2020 at 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM (PST), and will feature the following talks -
First Talk: IT Competencies for Life – Dr. Roberto Caluma
Second Talk: LITE Syllabus/Content - Dr. Richelle Ann B. Juayong, UP Diliman DCS
Third Talk: The Techfactors LITE Courseware - Mr. Michael Daquioag
Zoom Link: https://up-edu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Q9QITLKqQzO2gXYQ12URwQ