UP DCS partners with MOSIP, offers course on Trusted Digital Identity

The University of the Philippines - Department of Computer Science (UP DCS), partners with the Modular Open Source Identity Platform (MOSIP) to offer a course on Digital Transformation Essentials: Trusted Digital Identity. The course is very timely, given that MOSIP is the underlying technology platform behind the Philippine National ID, more known as Philsys.
The course is taken as an elective course by senior and junior undergraduate students at the University. The course is mostly on digital identity, in particular how a digital ID can be inclusive, secure, and at the same time respectful of user privacy. The course also gives an introduction to digital public goods (DPGs), and will have several DPG developers, users, and maintainers share their experiences and community practices. Among the DPGs that already joined in the discussions at the time of this writing are DHIS2, Sunbird, and openIMIS.
A large part of the lectures will be focused on digital identity, security, authentication, privacy and risks associated with a digital ID. The students will be asked to look at various use cases of a digital ID that can possibly benefit the Filipino people. Speakers from Philsys, the Philippine national ID, will be invited as well to provide local context to the course. The main goal of the course is to develop a pool of computer science professionals who will be capable of utilizing Philsys for the advancement of digital transformation in the country.