DCS papers garner awards in November conferences

A number of papers by DCS students and faculty won awards in conferences held last November.
In the Philippine Geomatics Symposium (PhilGEOS) 2021 (https://www.philgeos2021.com/), the paper "Enhancing Coastal Resiliency of Hypothetical Land Reclamation Scenarios with Mangrove Forest and Oyster Reef Assessed by ADCIRC and SWAN Storm Surge Model" by Frank Rayo won the Best Paper Award. Mr Rayo's work assessed the effectiveness of mangrove forests and oyster reefs on reducing the damages from typhoons in hypothetical land reclamation scenarios in Atimonan, Philippines. Mr. Rayo is advised by Assoc. Prof. Bongolan.
Also in PhilGEOS, the presentation for the paper "School Re-opening Simulations with COVID-19 Agent-Based Model for Quezon City, Philippines" by Jimuel Celeste won the Best Oral Presentation Award. Mr. Celeste's work is particularly timely given how the schools are now beginning to re-open after more than a year of closure. Mr. Celeste is also advised by Assoc. Prof. Bongolan.
In the 13th International Conference on Humanoid, Nanotechnology, Information Technology, Communication and Control, Environment, and Management (HNICEM 2021), the paper "Characterization of WiFi Signal Range and Bandwidth of the Philippines’ “Free WiFi For All” Project" by Rheeca Guion won the Best Paper Award in Sensor Networks, Signals, and Communication Technologies track. Miss Guion's work utilized crowdsourcing to quantitatively assess the quality of service provided by “Free WiFi For All” sites, which are crucial for less-privileged students especially now that schools are in remote learning mode. Miss Guion is advised by Assoc. Prof. Tan.
The PhilGEOS papers are already available online. HNICEM papers will eventually be made available in IEEEXplore.