DCS to celebrate milestone years in 2021 and 2022; launches Alumni Newsletter

In the second semester of A.Y. 1982-1983, the first batch of 35 students were admitted into the Bachelor in Computer Science (B.C.S.) program under the Department of Engineering Sciences. The B.C.S. program, of course, would eventually become the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (B.Sc.C.S.) program that the DCS still offers today.
9 years later, in 1991, the Department of Computer Science would begin its life as a separate Department under the College of Engineering.
This makes 2021 the 30th anniversary of the Department as a separate unit, and 2022 the 40th anniversary of the Department's sole undergraduate program offering.
Given the ongoing pandemic, the DCS is foregoing the traditional "milestone year celebrations" such as homecoming dinners until such a time when such events can be held safely in accordance with government regulations.
The DCS however, in celebration of these milestone years, is launching the DCS Alumni newsletter, which it hopes will help maintain the connection of its alumni with each other and with the Department. To quote from the Chair's message -
In preparation for a 40th anniversary celebration, we are reaching out to engage and connect with you through this newsletter. We will get in touch and inform you of the latest updates on interesting events as well as provide links to news stories about the people and research at the college.
Aside from the message from the Chair, the newsletter also features a message from the Department's only Professor Emeritus, Professor Evangel Quiwa. It also features alumni-relevant announcements and news.
To subscribe to the Alumni newsletter, please visit - https://upddcs-alumni-news.mailerpage.com/