Announcement: UP Diliman Department of Computer Science Establishes Industry Advisory Board

The Department of Computer Science at UP Diliman is proud to announce the establishment of its Industry Advisory Board (IAB). This initiative aligns with the department’s vision of being the premier Computer Science teaching and research institution that serves the interests of the country.
Composed of esteemed professionals from various sectors, the IAB will play a key role in ensuring that our academic programs remain at the forefront of industry standards. The board will provide strategic guidance, foster industry-academe collaboration, focusing on benchmarking, accreditation, and continuous program improvement to enhance the quality and relevance of our curriculum.
The distinguished members of the Industry Advisory Board are:
Mark J. Encarnación, Dr.techn. (Chair)
Director of Engineering
Microsoft Research
Ernesto ‘Boogie’ C. Boydon
Co-Founder, CTO , Tagpros Education
Author and Creator - The Davidic Growth Paradigm
Mary Rose Dela Cruz
Stratpoint Technologies
Industry Advisory Board
Lope Doromal, Jr.
Microsoft Philippines
Matt Doronila
Sector Leader
Annette Lagman, PhD
IT Consultant,
Philippine Center for Economic Development
Erick Olavides
Enterprise Sales Lead, Google Workspace
Delfin Jay M. Sabido IX, PhD
Chief Innovation and Transformation Officer
Allan Sioson, PhD
AVP, Head of Internal Analytics
Through the IAB, we reaffirm our commitment to excellence in computer science education and research, ensuring that our graduates are equipped with the skills and knowledge to drive technological innovation for national development.
Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting initiative!